Behavioral Services

Cats are very complicated creatures and it doesn’t take much to trigger behaviors we would rather live without. It can be very frustrating when our furry friends are scratching or peeing on our belongings. Hiding, hissing, biting, scratching, the list goes on. The temperamental nature of the feline is why we love them, still many forms of cat behavior can become overwhelming to live with day to day. Shy cats or aggressive, there are ways to make everyones lives happier. Schedule a consultation where we help you formulate an plan to better adapt to most any behavior. During the initial evaluation, a concrete plan with specific action steps tailored for your unique situation will be discussed and immediate suggestions provided. You will receive a written plan via email within three business days. A follow up schedule can be created using, email, phone, skype, or in home visits depending on the situation.

(Please note: There are no consultations available during the winter holiday season) See our fee schedule for details.
